Welcomed a baby in the last 2 years? You may be entitled to additional leave.

Through service-wide bargaining in 2023, the CPSU secured significant improvements to paid parental leave for birth, adoption and long-term foster care.

This includes new and improved minimum paid parental leave standards which parents are able to use flexibly up to 24 months after a baby is born or from placement of the child.

Parents of a new born, adopted or fostered child prior to the commencement of the new agreement, and who are within the 24-month parental leave window, are also eligible for a ‘top up’ of additional paid leave available under new agreements, as long as this is used within the 24-month period.

Get the facts

Download our Know Your Rights: Parental Leave fact sheet for information of your new rights.

CPSU members also have access to our member-only resources, including:

  • Fact sheets on a range of new rights and conditions
  • Individual advice and support when it's needed.
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Know your rights

Paid parental leave member-only webinar

An in-depth look at new and improved Paid Parental Leave entitlements secured by CPSU members in service-wide bargaining.

Watch now in Aspire

APS Common Conditions

Know Your Rights fact sheets on other APS Common Conditions

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