A new national cultural policy

The culture sector received a heartening boost with the release of the government’s new cultural policy, Revive. This major announcement includes restoring funding to the Australia Council and establishing Creative Australia, containing four new bodies:

  • a new First Nations body,
  • Music Australia,
  • Writers Australia, and
  • a new Centre for Arts and Entertainment workplaces to ensure creative workers are paid fairly and have safe workplaces free from harassment and discrimination.

Revive is a positive step towards government policy that values the important role arts and culture plays in our nation. The Minister's office will be engaging with the CPSU on how the policy is enacted.

It’s time to properly fund our cultural institutions

We know that across our national cultural institutions there’s a crisis in funding with many having experienced staff cuts, increasing reliance on labour hire, aging infrastructure, need of urgent repairs, and storage crunch.

The Prime Minister has acknowledged in recent weeks that our National Cultural Institutions are starved of funds and said that the government will be looking to address this in the upcoming federal budget.

There’s work to be done in the lead-up to budget to ensure a new funding model so you and your colleagues can continue your critical role in collecting, preserving, and displaying our history, art, culture, and records for the benefit of all Australians now and into the future.

Union members have long advocated for more than one-off funding supplementations, but longer-term funding certainty. The government is listening and we have an opportunity to achieve real gains.

Don’t leave it to chance, show your support and help make Revive real today:
