MoPS members deliver vital support and services to the community. It is a privilege to represent you and support the work you do.

Right now our MoPS team is focussed on:

  • Implementing the outcomes of the new enterprise agreement, and making sure you get all the benefits the employer has signed up to.
  • Representing you on the Employee Consultative Group which is where we strive for great policies to help your navigate your work life.
  • Organising for a best practice sexual harassment policy. Parliamentary workplaces have taken part in a once in generation review of culture and policies. CPSU members, delegates, HSRs and organisers are working to ensure that the outcomes of these reviews ensure that workplaces are as safe as possible. These policies have the potential to allow for safer practices in all Australian workplaces.
  • Workplace health and safety organising, and working towards safe practices around fatigue, customer aggression and other common workplace health and safety issues MoPS workers face.
  • Training and support for members and delegates to get the most out of their union and their careers, and
  • Growing our union community to increase our strength and solidarity to get outcomes on the issues that matter to you.

More broadly, the CPSU stands for a bigger public service that can better meet the needs of the community we serve, and is a better place to work.

Every one of us has a part to play and I look forward to working with you.

Michael Tull