Did you know that women in Australia, on average, retire with roughly 40% less superannuation than men?

This webinar aims to empower and educate you when it comes to superannuation. Presented by CPSU organiser and representative on the ACTU Women’s Committee, Emma Groube and CPSU Deputy Secretary, Beth Vincent-Pietsch.

What is covered in the session:

  • Why is super important for working women?
  • How much should you have?
  • What you can do if you are are behind.
  • Insurance and finding lost super.

More than 25 years ago unions won superannuation as a right for all Australian workers. CPSU members have a proud history of campaigning to build and protect the superannuation of women. Union members have won superannuation on unpaid parental leave in many public sector agencies, and continue to campaign for improved superannuation entitlements for women across the workforce.

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