The CPSU is a not-for-profit representative organisation, funded predominantly by voluntary membership fees.

CPSU officials and staff understand that the ongoing payment of union fees represents a significant commitment from our members. We understand that we have a binding obligation to ensure members’ dues are spent responsibly and in the pursuit of better outcomes for our members. The CPSU has many rigorous processes in place to ensure our members funds are used ethically and effectively. We are deeply committed to financial transparency and integrity in the interests of our members.

Code of Conduct 

The CPSU (PSU Group) has a proud reputation as a strong and democratic union. Our full time elected officials and staff are expected to uphold this reputation at all times in connection with their role at the CPSU (PSU Group).

Union staff and full time elected officials will behave with honesty and integrity in their dealings with members, each other and the wider community.

We will make all decisions with the union’s best interests in mind, and will not allow personal interests or inducements to influence our decision making.

Staff members and full time elected officials are bound by, and will respect, decisions of the union’s Governing Council and Executive Committee, and the union’s rules, policies and procedures.

Rules of the union

National Rules (Chapter A)  as at 19 Aug 2019 
PSU Group Rules (Chapter B)  as at 2 June 2022

Delegate Standard

In accordance with the PSU Group Rules (Chapter B), the CPSU Governing Council has established a Delegate Standard  for managing complaints and dealing with breaches of the Delegate Standard. All delegates, Section Councillors, Section Secretaries, Section Presidents, Governing Councillors and Executive Committee are covered by the Standard. Any member may make a complaint about an elected representative to the National Secretary if the member believes that the elected representative has not complied with the Delegate Standard.

Workplace Gender Equality

In accordance with the requirements of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, Governing Council and CPSU members are informed that on 28 June 2024 the CPSU lodged its annual public report with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. The report can be accessed:

  1. CPSU WGEA 2023-2024 Questionnaire - Public Report
  2. CPSU WGEA 2023-2024 Workplace Profile Table - Public Report
  3. CPSU WGEA 2023-2024 Workforce Management Statistics - Public Report

CPSU Election 2023 - E2023/112