Agency ballot results

Agency Vote end date Result Participation (%) Yes (%) Approved
by FWC?
Department of Finance 15/12/23 Yes 75.94% 93.44% Y
National Health Funding Body 15/12/23 Yes 93.33% 100% Y
Department of Health and Aged Care 15/12/23 Yes 76.80% 94.40% Y
Department of the Treasury 15/12/23 Yes 91.73% 93.92% Y
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 15/12/23 Yes 67.97% 93.38% Y
Department of Education 20/12/23 Yes 84.49% 93.42% Y
Administrative Appeals Tribunal 22/12/23 Yes 80.80% 90.92% Y
Australian Research Council 14/01/24 Yes 91.14% 97.22% Y
Organ and Tissue Authority 17/01/24 Yes 79.00% 100% Y
Commonwealth Grants Commission 01/02/24 Yes 90.00% 100% Y
Food Standards Australia New Zealand 02/02/24 Yes 97.00% 98.31% Y
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 04/02/24 Yes 64.47% 93.27% Y
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 05/02/24 Yes 87.15% 96.79% Y
Australian Public Service Commission 07/02/24 Yes 78.94% 95.89% Y
Cancer Australia 07/02/24 Yes 91.89% 98.53% Y
Civil Aviation Safety Authority* 09/02/24 Yes 90.39% 80.39% Y
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 09/02/24 Yes 87.00% 93.75% Y
Office of Parliamentary Counsel (Non-SES) 09/02/24 Yes 87.50% 97.40% Y
Geoscience Australia 09/02/24 Yes 77.02% 94.00% Y
Department of Social Services 12/02/24 Yes 87.54% 98.50% Y
Climate Change Authority 13/02/24 Yes 95.16% 100% Y
Australian Trade and Investment Commission 13/02/24 Yes 77.00% 97.00% Y
Productivity Commission 13/02/24 Yes 82.00% 98.00% Y
Australian Skills Quality Authority 15/02/24 Yes 88.50% 95.02% Y
Department of Defence 15/02/24 Yes 80.90% 97.27% Y
Intellectual Property Australia 15/02/24 Yes 92.00% 96.00% Y
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency 18/02/24 Yes 84.00% 98.92% Y
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner 20/02/24 Yes 94.15% 98.96% Y
Australian Securities and Investments Commission* 20/02/24 Yes 86.55% 85.19% Y
Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority 21/02/24 Yes 87.00% 97.83% Y
Office of National Intelligence 21/02/24 Yes 84.30% 97.86% Y
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission 21/02/24 Yes 83.96% 93.58% Y
Australian Communications and Media Authority 21/02/24 Yes 81.80% 95.55% Y
National Health and Medical Research Council 21/02/24 Yes 85.78% 97.99% Y
National Anti-Corruption Commission 22/02/24 Yes 86.40% 95.93% Y
Australian Institute of Family Studies 23/02/24 Yes 90.74% 100% Y
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia 23/02/24 Yes 76.40% 96.39% Y
Australian Financial Security Authority 23/02/24 Yes 88.43% 94.55% Y
Comcare 23/02/24 Yes 88.39% 97.76% Y
Tourism Australia* 23/02/24 Yes 86.09% 100% Y
Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security 25/02/24 Yes 89.00% 97.00% Y
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation* 26/02/24 Yes 80.60% 93.38% Y
National Indigenous Australians Agency 26/02/24 Yes 82.15% 98.32% Y
Bureau of Meteorology 26/02/24 Yes 84.49% 96.01% Y
Department of Industry, Science and Resources 26/02/24 Yes 80.57% 92.30% Y
Australian Taxation Office 27/02/24 Yes 83.96% 76.87% Y
Department of Home Affairs 27/02/24 Yes 84.16% 97.12% Y
Services Australia 27/02/24 Yes 80.90% 93.40% Y
Services Australia Medical Officers 27/02/24 Yes 100% 100% Y
Fair Work Commission 28/02/24 Yes 87.94% 91.64% Y
Australian Fisheries Management Authority 28/02/24 Yes 82.94% 98.58% Y
Australian Bureau of Statistics 29/02/24 Yes 76.62% 94.93% Y
Australian War Memorial 29/02/24 Yes 78.47% 99.25% Y
Office of the Inspector-General of Taxation 29/02/24 Yes 90.32% 96.43% Y
National Portrait Gallery of Australia 29/02/24 Yes 82.26% 98.04% Y
National Capital Authority 29/02/24 Yes 91.00% 100% Y
Department of the Senate* 29/02/24 Yes 82.74% 95.68% Y
Attorney-General's Department 1/03/24 Yes 83.34% 94.51% Y
National Blood Authority 1/03/24 Yes 98.67% 100% Y
Safe Work Australia 1/03/24 Yes 90.00% 98.84% Y
Digital Transformation Agency 1/03/24 Yes 79.20% 97.47% Y
Australian Transport Safety Bureau 1/03/24 Yes 91.00% 84.00% Y
National Transport Commission* 1/03/24 Yes 92.00% 100% Y
National Disability Insurance Agency 3/03/24 Yes 87.00% 90.00% Y
National Museum of Australia 3/03/24 Yes 60.54% 98.66% Y
Australian Submarine Agency* 4/03/24 Yes 86.77% 98.19% Y
Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions 4/03/24 Yes 85.00% 92.00% Y
Department of Parliamentary Services* 4/03/24 Yes 83.28% 82.52% Y
Clean Energy Regulator 05/03/24 Yes 86.87% 96.43% Y
Department of Veteran's Affairs 05/03/24 Yes 83.10% 96.83% Y
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 05/03/24 Yes 86.13% 98.73% Y
Old Parliament House 05/03/24 Yes 82.05% 100% Y
Murray-Darling Basin Authority 05/03/24 Yes 82.80% 96.43% Y
Australian Office of Financial Management 05/03/24 Yes 98.00% 95.92% Y
National Library of Australia 05/03/24 Yes 89.08% 96.46% Y
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority 05/03/24 Yes 92.92% 98.48% Y
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications 06/03/24 Yes 84.26% 94.46% Y
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission 06/03/24 Yes 86.47% 96.40% Y
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 06/03/24 Yes 90.67% 86.64% Y
Australian National Audit Office 07/03/24 Yes 90.26% 93.3% Y
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 07/03/24 Yes 75.75% 94.07% Y
Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency 08/03/24 Yes 84.21% 100% Y
National Mental Health Commission 08/03/24 Yes 97.14% 91.18% Y
Royal Australian Mint 08/03/24 Yes 80.16% 92.23% Y
Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman 10/03/24 Yes 84.97% 95.06% Y
Australian Digital Health Agency 11/03/24 Yes 81.21% 90.23% Y
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre 11/03/24 Yes 85.90% 94.53% Y
Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman and Registered Organisations Commission Entity 11/03/24 Yes 84.95% 93.49% Y
Workplace Gender Equality Agency 11/03/24 Yes 98.04% 100% Y
High Court of Australia* 12/03/24 Yes 86.00% 96.51% Y
National Emergency Management Agency 12/03/24 Yes 85.20% 94.61% Y
Federal Court of Australia 13/03/24 Yes 79.43% 98.17% Y
National Gallery of Australia* 13/03/24 Yes 86.65% 100% Y
Department of the House of Representatives* 13/03/24 Yes 93.10% 99.38% Y
Office of the Inspector-General of Aged Care 13/03/24 Yes 95.00% 94.74% Y
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority* 13/03/24 Yes 85.05% 97.80% Y
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust* 13/03/24 Yes 76.47% 89.23% Y
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 14/03/24 Yes 89.09% 100% Y
Australian Human Rights Commission 14/03/24 Yes 81.53% 97.79% Y
Australian Electoral Commission 14/03/24 Yes 72.78% 96.13% Y
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations 15/03/24 Yes 79.13% 97.22% Y
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission 15/03/24 Yes 82.42% 96.52% Y
Creative Australia* 15/03/24 Yes 80.77% 95.24% Y
High Speed Rail Authority 15/03/24 Yes 100% 100% Y
National Archives of Australia 19/03/24 Yes 81.58% 98.39% Y
Australian Film, Television and Radio School* 19/03/24 Yes 58.45% 99.17% Y
Professional Services Review 20/03/24 Yes 90.00% 94.44% Y
Torres Strait Regional Authority 20/03/24 Yes 89.40% 98.52% Y
Airservices Australia* 21/03/24 Yes 85.61% 57.48% Y
Australian Law Reform Commission 21/03/24 Yes 86.67% 100% Y
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 22/03/24 Yes 80.80% 95.66% Y
Sport Integrity Australia (Casual employees) 22/03/24 Yes 53.08% 94.64% Y
Sport Integrity Australia (Ongoing & Non-ongoing employees) 22/03/24 Yes 78.53% 97.84% Y
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency 22/03/24 Yes 92.00% 96.95% Y
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies 25/03/24 Yes 74.57% 100% Y
Screen Australia 28/03/24 Yes 88.03% 100% Y
Defence Housing Australia* 22/05/24 Yes 89.23% 96.04% Y
Australian National Maritime Museum 29/03/24 Yes 88.29% 93.88% Y
Aboriginal Hostels Limited 03/04/24 Yes 73.48% 99.66% Y
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation* 02/05/24 Yes 81.25% 88.33% Y
Australian Institute of Marine Science* 02/05/24 Yes 78.53% 98.33% Y
Australian Sports Commission 29/05/24 Yes 80.8% 98.9% Y
Australian Federal Police - Protective Service*
No 85.52%  35.54%  
Australian Bureau of Statistics Interviewers*
Yes 83.86% 67.55%  
Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation*
Grains Research and Development Corporation*
  Yes      Y
Australian Maritime Safety Authority*
  Yes 94.21% 89.52% Y
First Nations Legal and Research Services*
  Yes 83.33% 100% Y

* Non-APS Government Agency