NDIA KPI Principles

The CPSU believes the following principles should guide any decisions regarding workloads and KPIs in the NDIA:

  1. The NDIA ought to approach each KPI according to its complexity (as a person, as a child, as a participant) and not just a number.
  2. The NDIA ought to provide national consistency in relation to KPIs and workload targets and associated messaging.
  3. Staff will be provided clear, consistent expectations in relation to their workloads and KPIs.
  4. Any KPIs should represent a realistic and manageable workload.
  5. Staff ought to have ready access to guidelines regarding their workloads and KPIs.
  6. KPIs ought to take into account all aspects of a staff member’s work.
  7. In accordance with clause 10.3 of the NDIA Enterprise Agreement 2020-2023, reviews of workloads should be actively encouraged where employees have concerns.
  8. Ongoing consultation should occur regarding workloads including within this review with employees and the CPSU.
  9. KPIs ought to be based on evidence and developed transparently.
  10. KPIs should be adjusted to reflect worker absences.
  11. KPIs should be adjusted to reflect different situations that may impact a worker e.g. Family & Domestic Violence, personal crises such as a pandemic.
  12. Any WHS risks associated with workloads and KPIs will be managed as per Safe Work Australia national guidance and codes of practice.
  13. The NDIA will make all reasonable adjustments necessary on KPIs for people with disabilities.