Through service-wide bargaining in 2023, the CPSU secured ground-breaking consultation rights which apply across the entire APS.

  • Pre-decision consultation with employees and unions.
  • Union consultative committees at the APS and agency level.
  • A requirement to consult on changes to work practices, policies and procedures, major change, rosters and hours of work, all other workplace matters that have a material impact on employees.
  • Clear guidance on what consultation involves.

Agencies with more specific detail in their consultation clauses have been able to retain that detail, to supplement the APS-wide clause. 

Get the facts

Download our Know Your Rights: Consultation fact sheet for information of your new rights.

CPSU members also have access to our member-only resources, including:

  • Consultation member only webinar recording
  • Model Consultation Plan
  • Fact sheets on a range of new rights and conditions
  • Individual advice and support when it's needed.
  • Guide for EL TOIL policy consultation
Members - sign in now for access

Past APS Common Conditions webinars are also available to watch on Aspire 


Know your rights

Consultation member-only webinar

Watch now in Aspire

APS Common Conditions

Know Your Rights fact sheets on other APS Common Conditions

Member only resources

Sign in for access to additional consultation resources. They will show below when you are signed in.

Membership matters

Joining the CPSU adds to our collective strength and our ability to continue to improve your rights and conditions at work.