The CPSU secured Time Off in Lieu for Executive Level workers across the entire APS for the first time through service-wide bargaining in 2023.

Some agencies already had EL TOIL provisions. Any more beneficial or detailed provisions in those agencies have been protected and retained.

Our member-only fact sheet includes tips for accessing EL TOIL, particularly if it’s new in your agency.

Members have access to a Know Your Rights Fact Sheet on EL TOIL, and a guide to EL TOIL Policy Consultation. Sign in now for access 


Know your rights

Members - when signed in to the website, member only resources will be available below.

EL TOIL webinar

Watch now on Aspire.


APS Common Conditions

Know Your Rights fact sheets on other APS Common Conditions

Membership matters

Joining the CPSU adds to our collective strength and our ability to continue to improve your rights and conditions at work.